Working with MacKenzie
About You
MacKenzie works with adults and families from a variety of backgrounds, including:
LGBTQIA2-S people
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual, and 2-spirt people are all welcome at Metaphor Therapy
People in ethically nonmonogamous relationships, including polyamorous and open relationships
BDSM/kink practitioners and community members
Sex workers
Fat people and folks of size
COVID-conscious people
People living with chronic depression and suicidality
Mental health professionals, including therapists, social workers, coaches, and peer counselors
Artists, creatives, and small business owners
Families including adults, adolescents, and children, especially those with any of the above backgrounds
People who have historically been left out of therapeutic healing due to systemic forces like ableism or racism
About Us
You'll work collaboratively with MacKenzie to craft a treatment plan that makes sense for your goals, budget, and timeline. MacKenzie can work with you on many facets of your life, such as:
Exploring family of origin experiences and how they impact your current relationships
Discovering how your values inform your boundaries and behavior
Navigating the ongoing impact of COVID, disability, or chronic illness on your world
Learning skills to manage your depression, suicidal ideation, and negative experiences
Finding meaningful activities and beloved community
Building the right nonmonogamous/polyamorous relationship for you, your partner(s), and any metamours
Creating rituals to honor big and small moments in your life
Whatever you feel would most benefit you
How MacKenzie Works
MacKenzie is an eclectic, strengths-based psychotherapist. She draws from a wide variety of theoretical orientations and intervention styles to help you find what works best for you.
Explore how your past experiences create and shape your present ones
Learn tools from evidence-based practices like nonviolent communicaiton, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and dialectical behavior therapy
Process negative experiences with EMDR, the flash technique, and bilateral stimulation
Use HeartMath technology to learn about what's happening in your body in the moment
COVID-Conscious Therapy
As the weeks, months, and years pass, maintaining COVID protections has become increasingly isolating or demoralizing. As the world pushes to treat COVID as something in the past, MacKenzie has seen relational stresses, loneliness, and despair increase in her clients and communities. MacKenzie has experience in supporting clients in navigating the relational and personal aspects of the pandemic.
While not all of MacKenzie's clients are COVID-conscious, many who are have expressed curiosity about MacKenzie's own protections. MacKenzie has health conditions that place her at risk of COVID complications, necessitating higher than average protections over the past several years.
MacKenzie's office is set up for those who need to be COVID-conscious, which means there is a high degree of air circulation/cleaning and masking is requested for in-person sessions. She can provide N95s and/or rapid test before sessions upon request. Her office has HEPA air filtration and ventilation to keep the CO2 levels in the space below 750ppm. For clients who find masking interferes with their experience of therapy, often due to a need for more facial real estate for reading emotional cues, MacKenzie offers phone and video therapy, as well as outdoor walk-and-talk sessions (weather permitting).
Outside of work, MacKenzie uses a mix of masking, air cleaning, communal testing with throat swabs, wastewater tracking, nasal sprays like Enovid/virX, CPC mouthwashes, lifestyle modifications (hanging out with people with similar protections in place, no indoor dining, etc.) and outdoor gathering for "swiss cheese" protections.
Commitment to Inclusive Therapy
In all aspects of her life, including your work together, MacKenzie commits to communicating without reinforcing systems of oppression.Â
MacKenzie will accept and support you regardless of what you say or do. She won't judge you for consensual expressions of your identity or sexuality. She won't judge you for your mistakes. MacKenzie believes being accepted as you are creates a safe enough space from which to move toward growth. MacKenzie is attuned to the dynamics of oppression, privilege, and systemic power structures, understanding their intricate intersections in our lives. She is committed to work that weakens these systems of domination and fosters empowerment as you heal and grow.
About MacKenzie
MacKenzie is a licensed marriage and family therapist. She serves as CEO and President of Metaphor Therapy, where she sees clients online and in her Alameda office, and provides training, consultation, and supervision with an incredible clinical team.
As a member of core faculty at The Wright Institute, MacKenzie especially loves teaching courses on psychopharmacology, biological bases of behavior, and diagnosis. She is also an adjunct professor at Saint Mary's College of California and Sentio University.
MacKenzie has participated in mental health care for depression since childhood. She is a queer white cisgender woman with invisible disabilities.
Outside of work, MacKenzie enjoys artistic pursuits in a variety of media, board and video games, and puzzles ranging from nonograms to word ladders. She plays flag football and collects tarot decks.